Monday, December 13, 2010

balance, aka the law of averages

One thing that I figured out on PCP, and am proving again on KFB, is that the stats of my body at any given point in time are utterly irrelevant. As Patrick says, we are biorhythm machines, always cycling through various stages of weight, sleeplessness, stress, etc.
It doesn't matter one big what I happen to weigh at any given point in time; I have seen my weight swing 2 kilos up or down depending on how much I eat, exercise, and poop in a given day.
What is much more interesting is the trend over the week and month. I know this from having two kids: what they happen to eat (or not eat) for a given meal or three is irrelevant. My kids do really dumb things quite often (case in point: son recently enjoys sitting on a regular chair at the dinner table, not his high chair, and regularly falls off the chair, head-first, backwards, whenever he tilts his head back in an attempt to drink from a cup on a table that is far too high up for him) but they are not stupid enough to actually starve themselves. For the week, they eat enough to grow at a healthy clip, and if they are missing sleep for a day or two, some strategic napping the following day evens them out.
I am apparently the same; weekends are generally less strict and more binge re. diet, especially with guests and/or eating out with the family. I adhere to some basic rules; no or minimal carbs at night, eat lots and lots (and lots) of veggies before eating anything else, pack lotsa fruit snacks to nibble on when it's snack time. And obviously come Monday I weigh generally more than I did on Friday, but it's never more than 1-2 kilos, and I can usually knock half of it off just by sweating alot and spending some quality time on the toilet (generally two separate activities, though I have been known to work really hard on the toilet, especially after a particularly roughage and fiber filled meal.)
Interestingly, the six-pack generally looks the same, and my pants still fit like they did at the end of PCP. Yeah, I still have a gut UNDER the six-pack; some nice marbleized collection down in there between the organs that I could certainly stand to lose. But now that is joined by some seriously toned core inner muscles, which I certainly cannot see and I don't think the fancy-schmancy techno-scale knows how to measure, but I can definitely feel, especially when I walk to or from work carrying a 10 kilo backpack (45 minutes one way), or on the weekends schlepping 25 kilos of kid and equipment for hours on end. Daughter much prefers riding on my shoulders these days, and can even fall asleep up there, hands folded under her chin, gripping my bald head like gecko pads as I hold her ankles and wonder about the upper vertebrae damage being done with my neck uncomfortably supporting far too much of her weight.
Which all helps me discover the REAL reason for being healthy: sure, lookin' good nekkid is pretty key, but being able to keep up with my kids is the true accomplishment! (Assuming I ever get there...)

1 comment:

  1. Ren

    This is a great post, and a useful reminder for me about trends not moments. Your posts have a been a fantastic addition to Patrick's program, and I've really appreciated how you've role modelled so much of what's good about the program for me.


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