Friday, September 24, 2010

full transparency

I have added a couple of tracking graphs to the blog (look right). Used these on my PCP blog to maximum affect I think. Same reason I blog all my food and drink in mind-numbing detail; this blog keeps me honest. If (more like when) I cheat or go off-track, I blog it. You get the good and the bad, and that transparency is what motivates me to stick with this, moreso than if I just had to trust myself to do what I need to do. Which I can't. I mean, if I could, I would already just BE, and I wouldn't have needed to do PCP nor would I be doing KFB. Kinda half-ass; I am motivated enough to do KFB, but not motivated enough to do it on my own, in a vacuum. I know me: I would just slack through it, with half-excuses and reasons not to bother today...
Actually feeling a bit down on motivation in general. I blame the weather: it is now officially fall. Summer heat has been replaced by rains, and temp has dropped from high 20s / low 30s (Celcius, for you silly Americans) to high teens / low 20s. BUT, it's perfect get-hot-and-sweaty weather!


  1. Ah yes, the temps are changing here, too. Actually made for a nice run this evening. I hear you on the mood, though I suppose I'm not unmotivated just a little off balance, likely to cry at any moment.

  2. Huh - the charts are cool. What do you use to measure the various KPIs?


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