Wednesday, November 3, 2010

day 45: Point Blimfark

Wednesday; hump-day.
Day 45.
Half-way through.
Half-way to go.
At this point it is easier to go forwards and finish than it is to go back to the beginning...which makes no sense, because at any point I could actually just give up and stop. Just quit, drop it, forget this whole silliness.
This KFB has been nothing like PCP. PCP was the first; it was like watching The Matrix for the first time, and then when you finally learn what the matrix IS, and what reality is, it's this mind-blowing epiphany-type experience. Which really is kind of silly, because when you think about it both The Matrix and the basic PCP concepts are the same: obvious and simple.
So for KFB there is no re-capturing the moment of de-flowering. I already know what happens when I take the red pill and follow Alice down the rabbit hole.
The key now is, how much do I GET it.
I cannot wallow in my own ignorance; I know EXACTLY what happens when I eat a Starbucks frappasugarbombaccino. I know just how it feels to skimp on workouts, to not get enough sleep, to overdo the carbs, under-eat the veggies, cheat on salt and oil and salt and oil. I know the consequences of my actions. And yet I take certain actions anyway. Despite knowing what will happen. Or maybe because of it?
I take full responsibility for my actions, and the consequences. I know how much "better" it would be if I were more religious about every gram and every rep. But this is my path, and I walk it as I must. Side disgressions, backtracking, the occasional squat-and-rest, and all.

Progress has sure been made. To date: I have all kinds of wicked-fine definition in my arms and legs and under my rib cage on my sides; little sinewy strands across my shoulders, cabling my forearms and calves that I have never seen before.
My balance has progressed orders of magnitude. It is still crap, but I can safely do 90% of the balance poses without toppling over into a heap.
My legs and especially my core are way stronger, too. Kung-fu sits and amusingly easy, though I still can't keep my knees perfectly straight. But I can feel my core solidly holding my body steady, lifting my legs, pulling by body together.
I run like the wind...or well OK more like a cool spring breeze. But I can knock out 10k in under an hour and a half and finish with my heart-rate at 120, my breath hard but not labored, and my pulse drops to the 90s within 5 minutes, and is back to my normal of high 40s / low 50s within 30 minutes.
And I haven't broken anything yet, because I run slowly, carefully, mindfully, and enjoyably.
When punching, kicking, shadowing, or chasing my ball-on-a-string around the room, I feel relaxed and smooth. I doubt I am any "faster", but as the military and ex- guys I know like to say: slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I manage to keep my shoulders out of my ears most of the time, and the only tension is when I snap everything together at the last split-second.
Finally, my flexibility has definitely improved. I have always been pretty flexible, but now I can certainly feel my hips and legs are much easier to open and stretch.
And now for the final 45 days: it is only gonna get BETTER!


  1. And we're proud of you. Push 'em back!

  2. Very consistent with other PCP graduates experience on KFB. Just be careful about thinking "knowing" what something will do to you letting you off the hook. Don't start buying todays calorie's with tomorrows workouts. I.e, "I'll just do a little extra rope tomorrow and it'll be fine. That's a real rabbit hole that leads to nowhere good.

  3. I share your sentiments from the first paragraph, which makes me another PCP graduate case that backs up the consistency in the KFB experience. I haven't been as religious about the grams, it's true. I've been less strict with myself on KFB. But, since I think Patrick's right in his comment, I've been much more on target after my candy binge. I forgot to write this in the blog, but I was so bloated the morning after that I barely fit into my jeans and I developed a few small but very obvious whiteheads overnight. I couldn't believe how quickly the consequences manifested in my physical body, and this made me realize that small off-diet choices add up. Though I'm still planning on allowing for more slack than PCP, I'm in the process of tightening up for this second half. FTSP, but remember to treat the body with a little LKR (this means no more frappasugarbombaccinos for YOU and no more special brownie, cake, candy binges for ME!).


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