Monday, November 1, 2010

Mostly carrot lunch

Two big carrot halves, corn soup, garlic rayuu, veggies and pork soup.
Carrots + garlic = crazy delicious!
More left-overs. Dunno what's up with my carrot thing lately, but I'm loving it.
Did a big workout at lunch. Started with some pre-exercise carbo-loading, in an attempt to keep the workout from burning more muscle than it makes, and maybe even burn some organ fat. 30 minutes on the treadmill at 10clicks; a brisk pace for me but surprisingly doable. Watched BBC the whole time. Simply incapable of watching any US-based TV news. Besides actual objective, global news (read: countries other than those currently occupied by and/or threatened by and/or threatening to US military), I like getting sports updates for sports I have no idea how to play, and weather reports for places I have never and am not every likely to visit.
Started the workout thinking to myself GDWTF?! HOW many leg swings?! 180 later, did a bunch of free-stylin' and other stuff, then some nice long stretching before a shower, an egg-white, and lunch.
Noticed that that calf muscle is, in fact, composed of three different bits of sinew. Happy with the fact that my calves are about as defined as my shoulders, and I am definitely seeing stuff in my arms that was not there even at the peak of PCP.
Two more days to Point Blimfark; that halfway point from which it will be easier to just press on through to California than it will be to turn around and go back to North Carolina...just hope we don't attempt to blaze through Donner Pass in winter, or die of dysentery.

1 comment:

  1. Well you'res supposed to go to Oregon not California...but it's easy to make that choice ;p


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