Friday, October 15, 2010

feel. like. ass.

Some throat thing going around. Son is a snot-and-coughing machine, but thankfully no fever. Secretary at work was out for two days with a sore throat and fever. One of my bosses has a sore throat and far I just have a slight fuzzy head and a sore throat. No fever yet. Also no appetite. And because my throat hurts I don't really want to eat food anyway. So I am on liquids today.
Woke up at 5am as always, tried to lift head off of pillow. Failed. Woke up at 6:30 when my son came storming in screaming for his sister to wake up. She is SUCH a miserable grump in the morning, especially when she is woken up instead of waking up on her own. And I was so not in the mood to deal with a whiny 3 year-old, so I just drank my coffee and ignored her until she and her brother got in a little sibling tiff, as is bound to happen, so I put her in the bedroom and when she freaked I sat her down (formally, in seiza, facing me, sitting in seiza as well, hand on thighs, direct level eye contact) and gave her the ultimatum: act like a baby and get treated like one, or stop crying, apologize to your brother, and come have breakfast. She opted for the latter.
I had coffee and tomato juice for breakfast. (No, not mixed together.) She had some sausages and a bowl of Winnie-the-Pooh cereal.
The co-op that delivers my groceries has some amazing tomato juice. Contents list has one item: tomato. No added salt, no added anything. A damn fine juice, in a little 190g can. 30 cans to a case.
I think I could live off of little cans of tomato juice for a few weeks at least.

Wanted something for my throat by the time I came to work so I got a nice hot chai tea with soy milk. Probably a bit overboard on the calories, but I haven't eaten anything yet and at this point I need to be healthy before I worry about being kung-fu-y.
Obviously did not do my exercises this morning. Will probably leave work early and knock out a minimal set this evening. Don't want to overdo it, and want to have a decent weekend, too; planning on having friends over for some grilling on Sunday.


  1. Take care man and don't overdo it. One week sick with a fast recovery is better than two weeks sick with half assed workouts.

  2. Have lots of hot chicken soup! The Jewish penicillin does wonders for a cold.

  3. I'm cooking up some home-made chicken soup this weekend, even made my own stock from the last chicken carcass I roasted. Shall I employ my magic flying powers and bring you some?

    DISCLAIMER: Magic flying powers may only be in my head.


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